Sunday, February 05, 2006


Stress is an issue all of us in this world deal with over time. Whether it be work related, school related, or anything related, its there, and its something everyone abhors. The question is, why the hell we let ourselves be stressed when there is absolutely no reason to..? Over the course of my life I have heard hundreds of stories about how stress can ruin everything and, even recently, how stress can render the food you eat toxic, just because of the state of mind you are in when you are consuming it. But, only once in my life, have I heard this saying; which basically helped me destroy any prior thinking I had associated with this worldy problem:

Stress is like a pebble:
If you place it up close to your eye, it blows everything else out of proportion;
If you hold it out in front of your face, it places everything out of perspective;
But if you throw it out in front you, it represents what stress really is in ones life, but a speed bump along the road.

After hearing this saying, I realized that stress was not only a waste of my time, but a waste of others as well. It makes the individual so self absorbed, they refuse to permit others, they just complain about themselves, obsessing over their own stress. Additionally, the above saying further goes to exemplify that life is about more than just stress. In twenty years, when we look back at these times, the stress felt at the time will be of no consequence: hardly, if even, remembered. (There are certain stressful issues that are remembered: deaths, loss etc.) But other than that, just thinking about it now, do you remember who you were angry at 10 years ago, and why? No. Cause life is bigger than problems, its bigger than anger, hate, emotions, its bigger than stress...Stress is only a pebble, nothing more, along this path that we call life. A mere bump in the road, that can be side stepped or even kicked far out into oblivion, without ever having to recall it again. So next time you come across a stressful situation, remember, it'll pass, it'll all blow over in time. Wait. Be patient. Everything will be fine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i totally and completely agree..stress is worth nothing to us in this world..i love the the comparison to a pebble!...nice..:)