Monday, January 09, 2006

Pas a Pas..

Step by Step, the path of life we should all walk. We all look for reasons to make this life of ours purposeful, always looking upon past mistakes, and subconsciously, revoking the same mistakes in the present and future. There is only one way to make full use of this life, pas a pas, step by step, the future comes along as you walk along the path of life, and the past stays behind, but more importantly, the present is relished to the extent in which it actually should be, for it is all we have. There is no assurance of a future; I could go into bed tonight, without coming out of it tomorrow morning. I know we've all heard this before, but what Kate Mosse revealed to me, more than anything, in her novel "Labyrinth", was that life is more of a burden than a privilege. Although we all maintain that we have happiness, due to the presence of so-called "toys" of the world, materialism only quenches ones longing for short periods of time. It is not everlasting, and in the end, it is this continuous need to be happy, that actually never permits us happiness. Pas a Pas, has so many levels of acknowledgement and, I, personally, feel, should be presented as one of the fundamental philosophies of every man, woman and child on this earth, as it gives the most viable option of happiness in this life. There is no point dwelling on past mistakes, no point focusing on future concerns, it is the present that is the present; treat it like one.

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