Friday, April 28, 2006


The issue of globalization, and its accumulative effect on the world, is one of paramount importance, and one that seems to be greatly overlooked in today’s world. One clear example of such being the clothing we wear. Nowadays, the form of dress that most people aspire to is ubiquitous; pants, shirts, skirts, etc... Words have been created in different languages just to incorporate this new attire. Although globalization is often considered to cause negative consequences in relation to cultural integrity, in reality, it seems that it is, in its wake, leaving new, mixed, cultures.
Prior to globalization, occupations in Thailand were dependent on intelligence, knowledge and experience, in the Thai language. The issue with Thailand is that the population of the lower class far exceeds any other, and those people cannot afford to learn a new language, let alone spend time in a school to gain fluency in their own language. This new dependency on English has completely eradicated any chance that less fortunate people have of ever becoming successful. A universal language may be necessary to help increase the ability of nations to relate and for the people of the world to collide without a language barrier, but should such come at the cost of the less fortunate?
Globalization is the spread of one culture amidst others, it is not intended to be harmful, and has had several constructive results, but, in the end, it has only assisted the select group of people who are financially well off. There is no doubt that the mixing of cultures and the universality of English have had major effects on political relationships, as the language barrier was often the cause of misunderstandings between nations. But, it completely discounts the people who are unable to afford an education, and considering the populous nature of this group, the negative consequences of globalization far outweigh the positives.

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