Sunday, April 09, 2006

Death..Why Continue?

Following the death of a family relative, or just any death in general, one comes to wonder what the hell we're doing on this planet (perhaps the basis of all the worlds religions.) But, honestly, why go on, if there is only one certain end? Why continue when there is only one fate? Why the hell should we try to make sense of life, in knowing that its only certainty is death? The answer is: life is too short. Instead of looking at death as the only ending, think of it as a goal, a destination that one will have to come to, with many many different side routes and stops on the way. It is the ultimate destination, but not something one should look forward to; not something to accelerate. Its also not something to dread, it is the only ultimate truth. If you live, you will die. There is no why, no how, no when , until the time comes.

The one thing that comes into the mind when someone important to yourself passes on, is the why. Why now? Why are you leaving me in this world all by myself, without you to help me? Why? The truth is, its the so-called Circle of Life, if you live, you die. The selfishness of our thoughts reflect the very persona that we are; thinking about how their absence will affect our life; how their death will change our future. The truth of the matter is, death is a fact, it is the only fact, and there is nothing we can do about it. Questioning death is a means for us to come to terms with the loss. It is a way to assuage the emotional pain that is entangled with the person. But, as Robert Frost mentions in many of his poems, we are human, emotions are our key, we will feel pain, but do not let it rule your life; dread for a short period of time and then move on. Life is too short, don't let anything stop you from reaching any of the stops along your life path. The person at hand is gone, there's nothing left to do, accept it, let it go, and live your own life, cause ultimately your actions determine your destiny; make it a good one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes..death can truly be a pain in the ass cause it leave YOU hanging..i hate it when people you love die..sorry about the loss..but, ive learned that the best way to get around to let go, and move on...hope that helps :)