Monday, February 06, 2006

Human Nature...

Im sorry to say this, but there are a couple of things in this world that will never of them being: human nature. There are a couple of things I have noticed in the recent past that seriously just piss me off.

Humans always look for faults in other humans, as if finding a way to show that they are better, more respectable. News: by doing such an insanely stupid thing you lose all the respect your trying to gain before it even happens.

Humans are cowards. They are more than happy to talk about you behind your back, but will never say the same things to your face. News: what comes around goes around.

Humans are selfish. We will do anything for ourselves, even if that means hurting others. News: since we are all selfish, you can pretty much deduce that everyone is doing everything for themselves nowadays and there is no such thing as a selfless deed.

Humans are immature. We all want to remain young at heart and mind, but if such revokes immaturity, by all means.. grow OLD!...

Humans are Socio-paths. We all want to be involved in the society we live in, and yet we go home and critique it everyday. If nobody likes it, then why does it still go on?

From the above reasoning, we can state the following:

Humans are (list of all derogatory terms with negative connotations) and will never change. That is why we live in a world of silent anarchy, and why world wars have erupted over the years. That is why anger, sadness, guilt and such exist in the world. That is why wars are fought over land and why money makes the world go round. That is why nothing will ever change, until we do. I am by no means perfect, and we as a race are far from unique, we are worse than those we feel are insubstantial, worse than pigs, than insects, then cockroaches. We plague this world, destroying it piece by piece; and continue to do so. News: There will be no world to save in the near future, cherish this one, and do whatever you can to change the tainted name of our race.


Anonymous said...

Pigs are actually very intelligent creatures (e.g. the movie "Babe"). I remember in middle school we had to do surveys in math class, and someone chose to survey what people's favourite and least favourite animals were and I think when I said that dogs were my favourite and people were my least favourite I shocked quite a few people...but honestly it's true, humans are the only species that can and probably will destroy absolutely everything on the planet.

Anonymous said...

if you have a problem accepting the fact that this is all true..don't take it out on me, picking on one stupid idea wont change the fact..DEAL WITH IT..can't...good luck to ya..