Friday, May 26, 2006

Went to a Party, Mom.. (Borrowed..)

I went to a party,
And remembered what you said.
You told me not to drink, Mom
So I had a sprite instead.

I felt proud of myself,
The way you said I would,
That I didn't drink and drive,
Though some friends said I should.

I made a healthy choice,
And your advice to me was right,
The party finally ended,
And the kids drove out of sight.

I got into my car,
Sure to get home in one piece,
I never knew what was coming, Mom
Something I expected least.

Now I'm lying on the pavement,
And I hear the policeman say,
The kid that caused this wreck was drunk,
Mom, his voice seems far away.

My own blood's all around me,
As I try hard not to cry.
I can hear the paramedic say,
This girl is going to die.

I'm sure the guy had no idea,
While he was flying high,
Because he chose to drink and drive,
Now I would have to die.

So why do people do it, Mom
Knowing that it ruins lives?
And now the pain is cutting me,
Like a hundred stabbing knives.

Tell sister not to be afraid, Mom
Tell daddy to be brave,
And when I go to heaven,
Put "Daddy's Girl" on my grave.

Someone should have taught him,
That it's wrong to drink and drive.
Maybe if his parents had,
I'd still be alive.

My breath is getting shorter, Mom
I'm getting really scared.
These are my final moments,
And I'm so unprepared.

I wish that you could hold me Mom,
As I lie here and die.
I wish that I could say, "I love you, Mom!"
So I love you and good-bye.

This is an effort by MADD (Mother's Against Drunk Driving)

Just another sign that implicates how powerless we are against this world, and this life. We have no say of when this will happen to us. Working for this cause, however, will yield less disastrous results in the future.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Have you ever realized how much of our known 'reality' is a result of censorship and disillusionment? Everyday we walk around this world, thinking that we may actually know something, but, we don't. What we read in the newspapers, on the internet, anything, what I am writing right now, is going to obscure your way of thinking in such a way that it will change your perspective on certain things. The issues involved with the parties that govern our nation states are all a mystery; when in democracy's we should all be involved in making the right decision for all. One of the places that we see social conditioning and the beginning stages of actually walking into the gates of this illusion of a world, is in many of the schools of the day. Children all over the world are succumbed to dictation, memorization and to learning without thought. Although the Socratic Method (asking questions to induce thought and learning) has been applied more thoroughly throughout the world's education system's; the school has a very strong hold on forming the ideals of an individual. As teacher teaches, we learn, and there is nothing else. But, the point of education is not, not, to withhold as much knowledge about any subject; it is to induce the thinking process, to teach a human being how to best approach a problem, and how to tackle any issue that they may face in their lifetime. It is to prepare them to enter the world, knowing that they will be able to face anything that may be thrown at them. The purpose of education is to build character, to learn respect, responsibility, life. When students are reduced to mere dictation, what will that teach them in life? In memorization, things become dull, mundane, and life is reduced to the repetitive action; and one without any thrill. But in the Socratic approach, the ability to work with the primary tactics and to trigger their evolution into something more, becomes a much more natural process. Of course, this would only succeed if the student themself has the ambition and strive necessary to be something in this lifetime. Education is an essential instrument in today's society, it should be preparing the students for the real world, instead of working to protect them from what is out there; because in the end, we all have to work to make ends meet, and there is never a harm in beginning early.

Monday, May 15, 2006

What is Love?

Society often constructs certain rules and markers in order to maintain some form of order in that specific society. If we travel back in time, to man without the complications of society, and still early on in the stages of language, we also see the lack of present-day emotions. The cavemen, the first of our kind, developed clans or groups to which they would protect each other, but marriage, and monogamy was never an issue. Does this, therefore, support that language, helped mold the emotions of which we feel? At that point in time, the only purpose of life was survival of the fittest, and humans were still rather instinctual in nature. There was no one man, one woman deal, that society has recently constructed and dubbed ‘marriage’. But, we still feel this emotion that we now know to be love. The question is now, what is love? Is it desire, lust, both? Is it shared, or is it individual? Nobody knows, and with recent misuse of the word, love has becomes even more ambiguous than before. The word love is a convergence of multiple words, all that mean ‘desire.’ But where did this idea of ‘love’ come from then? Love, although most usually associated with couples, is also prevalent in families. Once again, when a mother gives birth to child, does she truly love that child? Or is she just trying to say that I desire your survival so that my genes can be passed on? Or is it just that the baby is so aesthetically pleasing that she thinks that he/she is beautiful? How, then, do we see so many instances in which men and women are able to tolerate each other for life? Is there love, does love truly exist?

In chemical terms, love, the emotion, does exist. The Economist recently published an article discussing the prevalence of other sociable animals which mate and stay together for life. One such creature being the prairie vole. Albeit, it takes them approximately 24 hours to ‘plant their seed’, the partners remain so until either die. Recent findings show that the prairie voles are similar to humans in the sense that they share the ability to make vasopressin and oxytocin, two chemicals, of which play an important role in social recognition. Without these two chemicals, we cannot recognize the mate in which we underwent sexual reproduction, and therefore will find different ones. So, now, this suggests that prairie voles, like ourselves, only love because of recognition, comfort and understanding. Is this what love is then, two chemicals that allows for us to recognize people? If this is so, it also serves to exemplify that cavemen would have most likely felt an earlier rendition of this emotion, the true emotion itself. This therefore serves to prove that modern-day love is a social construct, a product of language, which we also see in the prospect of arranged marriage. Apparently, love grows with marriage. Therefore exemplifying that mutual recognition plays a fundamental role in the prospect of ‘love’, and further illustrating the role of language in the evolution of this emotion. Then there’s the case of many people, all of whom are in ‘love’ engagements, meaning they found their own partners. This just means that they have achieved mutual recognition earlier then expected. So, if this is what love is, than what is grief? Grief, the word, means deep mental anguish, compliments of For the purposes of this presentation, grief will only be discussed in relation to loss of love, but in reality, grief is caused by several different occurrences, and events. Grief, like love, is a social construct that one MUST feel, after loss of something that one loves. So, in the case of Mersault, the lack of crying, or the social construct that we consider grief, during his mother’s weeding, renders him variable of society, and leads to his ultimate downfall.

Although emotions are actual chemicals, society exaggerates them to fit it to their own prospectus, such as that of love in marriage, and grief in funerals. Although this is true, interestingly, most religions preach to detach oneself from the world, therefore mourning prevents forgetting the loss, and moving on. Therefore, does society play a role in preventing enlightenment? Never mind, that’s a different topic, for a different day. Language itself plays a fundamental role in the evolution of emotion. In the beginning, love was just a sense of mutual recognition, and today, its definitions and connotations extend beyond the reaches of our minds, and language, once again, prevents us from looking at the world with clean eyes.

The Adventures of Mr. Beans #3

Mr. Beans at an ATM Machine

Some dude: What cha looking at!?
Beans: I know your password..
Some dude: Then tell me what it is...
Beans: It's ****

The Adventures of Mr. Beans #2

Mr. Beans at a Ball

Guest : Sorry I'm late I was stuck in the elevator for 4 hours because the electricity was out.

Beans: It's ok. I was stuck on the escalator for 3 hours also.

Friday, May 12, 2006

The Adventures of Mr. Beans #1

Mr. Beans' Brain

Doc : I'm sorry to tell you that you got a tumor in your brain..

Beans: Seriously! Yippy!! (jumping off the couch)

Doc: You understand what I just told you Beans?

Beans: Of course think I'm stupid!?

Doc: Then why are you so happy?

Beans: Because that means I have a brain!!

**Always look on the bright side of life!! :D

Monday, May 08, 2006

Hypnotic Cash

A great paradigm shift occurred in the 19th Century. Life no longer revolved around Church, rather people gathered along the corridors of the first department stores. Spirituality, over a relatively short period, turned into materiality. Slowly, after the invention of the elevator, buildings became the tallest structures in town. Church was not forgotten, religion was still a priority, but people began believing that luxury was more important than enlightenment.

Because of this shift in ideals, many religions lost followers and those remaining followers, lost faith. For religions such as Sikhism, materialism is the worst obstacle in the path towards spirituality. This is because material items bring about greed, anger and jealousy. What is luxury? Is it having material items, of which last only last for a short period of time then decay and are thrown out? Is it buying the newest, most expensive, items on the market, just to prove that you can afford such relatively useless materialistic items? Or is it being able to buy whatever you want, when you want it, and for absolutely no good reason? Such items will not, and cannot, be taken with you to an afterlife. In heaven, angels are not lazing around and watching a seventy inch plasma screen television, such a perspective cannot be related to such pure creatures. The simplicity of their clothing and lifestyle gives insight as to the life which humans should lead in order to achieve the ultimate goal in most religions, enlightenment.

All of the renowned and revered saints lived in simplicity. All of the more prominent leaders of religions, especially those with strong faith, live in simplicity. All humans try not to live in simplicity. The irony is the reality. Such a paradigm shift basically shifted the mind from necessities to luxuries. In truth, man needs only three things to survive: clothing, food and shelter. Not six cupboards filled with clothes and a 20-acre mansion.