Tuesday, February 14, 2006


After watching a couple of episodes of the TV series Lost, I recalled something I heard a long time ago, a metaphor really that compares our lives, to that of those on that forbidden island. The island, in the series, represents a new beginning, a chance to start anew (forget the weird, eerie stuff that's happening in the background of the show). But in regards to real life, the island represents ourselves. Although we may have friends, be social and live amidst family, we are individuals, and can only be so close to people. Each individual is an island. Friends and family and those we consider close are the waves that we allow to lap ashore from time to time and those that crash against the cliffs on our banks (against the high walls we have set up).

There is only so much that one can open ourselves to those around us. The food, natural beauty and growth represent our personality, physical burgeoning and emotional significance, with the different seasons reflecting our moods. In the same way that stress and emotional trauma can have affects on our physical well-being and appearance. The most significant factor of this metaphor however is not how the island relates to us, but how we relate to the island. There are different types of islands, volcanic, and those that were formed in the former break of the large primary continent. In the same way there are people who create themselves and those that just follow in another's footsteps. This is the difference between followers and leaders. Even though Disney has chosen to advertise "following the leader" such is not necessarily the best way to lead life. Even in most religions, preachers have more knowledge on the religion itself, and may pass on that knowledge, but they also stress that individual interpretation is much more purposeful. The leaders of the modern day, and past world, did not achieve their accomplishments by 'following.' In fact, most of the inventive procedures were so anti-orthodox that so many of the leaders of the innovative world were subjected to excommunication, death and being ostracized from the very society they were trying to help. Even though they lost basically everything by pursing their dreams, creating themselves, what would we be without Einstein, Miller, Galileo, Copernicus and other great minds of our kind. As the old maternal adage goes "If your friend jumps off a cliff, will you do it to?" The answer should be no, be the one that jumps off the cliff first.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Human Nature...

Im sorry to say this, but there are a couple of things in this world that will never change..one of them being: human nature. There are a couple of things I have noticed in the recent past that seriously just piss me off.

Humans always look for faults in other humans, as if finding a way to show that they are better, more respectable. News: by doing such an insanely stupid thing you lose all the respect your trying to gain before it even happens.

Humans are cowards. They are more than happy to talk about you behind your back, but will never say the same things to your face. News: what comes around goes around.

Humans are selfish. We will do anything for ourselves, even if that means hurting others. News: since we are all selfish, you can pretty much deduce that everyone is doing everything for themselves nowadays and there is no such thing as a selfless deed.

Humans are immature. We all want to remain young at heart and mind, but if such revokes immaturity, by all means.. grow OLD!...

Humans are Socio-paths. We all want to be involved in the society we live in, and yet we go home and critique it everyday. If nobody likes it, then why does it still go on?

From the above reasoning, we can state the following:

Humans are (list of all derogatory terms with negative connotations) and will never change. That is why we live in a world of silent anarchy, and why world wars have erupted over the years. That is why anger, sadness, guilt and such exist in the world. That is why wars are fought over land and why money makes the world go round. That is why nothing will ever change, until we do. I am by no means perfect, and we as a race are far from unique, we are worse than those we feel are insubstantial, worse than pigs, than insects, then cockroaches. We plague this world, destroying it piece by piece; and continue to do so. News: There will be no world to save in the near future, cherish this one, and do whatever you can to change the tainted name of our race.

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Sunday, February 05, 2006


Stress is an issue all of us in this world deal with over time. Whether it be work related, school related, or anything related, its there, and its something everyone abhors. The question is, why the hell we let ourselves be stressed when there is absolutely no reason to..? Over the course of my life I have heard hundreds of stories about how stress can ruin everything and, even recently, how stress can render the food you eat toxic, just because of the state of mind you are in when you are consuming it. But, only once in my life, have I heard this saying; which basically helped me destroy any prior thinking I had associated with this worldy problem:

Stress is like a pebble:
If you place it up close to your eye, it blows everything else out of proportion;
If you hold it out in front of your face, it places everything out of perspective;
But if you throw it out in front you, it represents what stress really is in ones life, but a speed bump along the road.

After hearing this saying, I realized that stress was not only a waste of my time, but a waste of others as well. It makes the individual so self absorbed, they refuse to permit others, they just complain about themselves, obsessing over their own stress. Additionally, the above saying further goes to exemplify that life is about more than just stress. In twenty years, when we look back at these times, the stress felt at the time will be of no consequence: hardly, if even, remembered. (There are certain stressful issues that are remembered: deaths, loss etc.) But other than that, just thinking about it now, do you remember who you were angry at 10 years ago, and why? No. Cause life is bigger than problems, its bigger than anger, hate, emotions, its bigger than stress...Stress is only a pebble, nothing more, along this path that we call life. A mere bump in the road, that can be side stepped or even kicked far out into oblivion, without ever having to recall it again. So next time you come across a stressful situation, remember, it'll pass, it'll all blow over in time. Wait. Be patient. Everything will be fine.